The Adventures of the HHC, 101st CSG
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SSG Leonardo Miller and friends in
Iskandariyah, Iraq. And I do
apologize to him for not posting
his picture sooner. As soon as I know who the other gentleman are in the picture I will post their names.
SSG Leonardo Miller and Flat Stanley and Woodard.
Ok ok, you can be a general, what the hell was I thinking.
COL Dolinish.
I am an evil Leprechaun. Thewes, Fly, and
Coupel, and Boland.
Adam Turner, PFC Cynthia Schneider, SPC Charles Easto, and SGT Donnie Davis
with a generator that Schneider had been working on.
Kids at Jonahs Tomb in Mosul.
Jonahs Tomb is one of the sites that the soldiers fixed up.
SGT McCowan at Jonahs Tomb in Mosul
along with his tour guides.
SSG Richard Whitt and entourage
at Jonahs tomb.
Filling sandbags and covering up their bunker.
Ok, this really sucks, don't they have a machine
that can do this? If we can put a man
on the moon, can't they make a machine that can fill a damn sandbag?
SPC Eduardo Jones and SPC Roderick Ray.
Ok, why are you all watching me? Why aren't you
helping? SSG Graham.
On a sad note, here is a picture of SSG(P) Barry
Who died from Non-Combat injuries suffered in Iraq.
For those of you who are interested, here is what the
end of a convoy looks like, but I imagine
it is probably a lot dustier sometimes.
Union rules, we do get a 1/2hr lunch break.
If it's all the same to you we'll stay here. It's
to hot to go outside. MSG Douglas
Godfrey and SFC Joe Leist at the company CP in Mosul.
MAJ Thewes, CPT Kurpe, and MAJ Laskodi strategizing
prior to their convoy roll out.
A sandstorm during their convoy in to Iraq from Kuwait.
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