The Adventures of the HHC, 101st CSG
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CPT Kelly Arnold and CPT Heather Carlisle touring Babylon.
of Saddam's Palaces near Babylon.
Taking a break and hanging out in Iraq.
The "HQ Hootch" at FLB Elm. What more could you
ask for than a corrugated metal building
to sleep in, in the middle of a desert.
If I sit still long enough, no one will see me. SPC Stephen Carney waking up in Iraq.
Uhh, excuse me. This was NOT mentioned in the travel brochure. SGT Ordis McClam waking up.
It wasn't a bad dream, you really are standing there. SPC Kiara Samples waking up.
You have until I get my shoe on to leave. Turnet
waking up.
Recon patrol on the outskirts of Baghdad.
Bill Thewes, CPT Heather Carlisle, LTC. Bill Huggins standing with a war souvenir.
This portrait of Saddam will be put on display at the Division Headquarters at FT. Campbell Kentucky.
bear and his war trophy.
MSG Stephen DeBusschere and SSGT Richard Watts, trying
to get that fresh
clean outdoorsy scent in their laundry in Iraq.
1LT David Boland and SPC Evelyn Soto doing laundry in
So what do you think would happen if we pulled that cord out? SPC Hardy & SPC
Nonya Jones in Iraq.
Bless and Millerd sweating in Iraq.
A big boom. An Iraqi ammunition cache that was
destroyed as a result of a brief skirmish
that broke out between 2 rival factions of Iraqi's. No Coalition forces were involved.
A Bradley Fighting Vehicle belonging to the 4th ID on
the road in Iraq.
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