The Adventures of the HHC 101st CSG
The following pictures have been sent to my courtesy of my sister CPT Heather Carlisle who is serving
in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division. She is the company commander of the Headquarters and
Headquarters Company of the 101st Airborne Corps Support Group (HHC 101ST CSG). They
were deployed to Kuwait on 27 Feb 03 to take part in what has now become Operation Iraqi Freedom.
I will be adding new pictures as she sends them to me so check back often. On some of the pictures
if I just have a last name listed then I wasn't given their rank and first name yet and will correct that as
soon as I can. Sorry if it takes a while to load, but there are a lot of pictures here.
Welcome home CPT Carlisle. I will keep this page posted as long as the rest of the HHC, CSG is
deployed to Iraq. If anyone has pictures that they would like to have posted here please email
them to me and I will post them.
I have just added pictures from the Change of Command.
Rail head at FT Campbell. After a month of hard
work all of vehicles were loaded and ready for
transport to a sea port to be loaded onto transport ships for the trip to Kuwait.
MAJ James Fly in the hanger at FT Campbell shortly
before their flight out.
Boland and Gener the night they flew to Kuwait.
I would like a big gun. Waiting in line to draw
their weapons.
Trying out his modeling look. Soto, Mitchem, and
I don't know about you, but I think we got on the wrong
plane. SGT Daniel Romaine and
SSG Malachi Simmons during a lay over in Germany during the flight to Kuwait.
HHC 101st CSG shortly after arriving at Camp New York Kuwait.
1LT Elizabeth Coupel, 1LT Erin Barnhart, and CPT Heather Carlisle.
Camp New York Kuwait.
1LT Barnhart,
1LT Coupel, CPT Carlisle, and CPT. Arnold. Camp New York.
Hector Flores, SGT Malcom Bean, and SPC Charles Easto. Camp New York
MSG Godfrey, MSG Willie Pleas, and MAJ Mark Peed.
Camp New York.
SPC Paredes, SGT Giddens, SSG Tony Moore, SPC Ceballo,
MSG Stacey Gray,
SPC Adam Turner at Camp New York Kuwait.
SSG Bradley taking the oath as she "reups".
Hmmm....maybe I was a bit to hasty in signing those
papers. It's awfully hot here. SSG Bradley.
No more chili please. S6(communications
section) MOPP 4(Full Chemical protective gear) during
a chemical alert at Camp New York Kuwait.
Easto, Carney, Gomez, and Turner.
Sure, the one day it rains here and we're stuck
outside. SPC Adam Turner and
SPC John Calip on guard duty in Camp New York.
This is mine, you shall not pass. SPC Stephen
Carney at Camp New York Kuwait.
Sgt Williams, Camp New York.
General William Wallace 5th Corps Commander
A reporter, Gen. William Wallace(5th Corps Commander)
MAJ Bill Thewes,
MAJ John Laskodi at Camp New York Kuwiat.
Not sure what this gathering was, but it looked
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