The Adventures of the HHC, 101st CSG
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The Stockham pulling into port at Suybayah Kuwait.
The Stockham was carrying the HHC, 101st
CSG's equipment from Ft. Campbell.
SPC Richard Jaramillo, SPC Adam Turner, SPC Stephen
Sanders-Fuller, and
SPC Morse at port in Kuwait picking up off loaded vehicles.
SSG Angela Hubbard and SGT Christine Corbett loading
trucks at Port in Kuwait.
No, I carried this heavy bag over here and this is the
truck I'm riding in. SSG Angela Hubbard.
I don't care if I smell funny, I'm not riding in back.
Morgan, Walker and Ledet
getting their vehicles ready for the convoy from the Port to Camp New York.
I wish you would hurry up, and get that tire off.
It's hot out here and this tire is heavy.
Who going to tell the Captain that we broke what ever
this was in the box. Flores, Carr, Tso, and Hardy
Ok, who was paying attention on the trip over and knows
the way back to camp?
After a great debate and much consideration it was
decided that due to his infallible sense of direction
SPC Sergio Gomez would lead the convoy.
Trescott getting ready to leave in the convoy of
vehicles from the port to Camp New York.
Fitzsimmons and another CPT who's name I wasn't given
who has some nice badges on his uniform. Sorry I wasn't
given any more information than that.
Rest stop, convoy from Camp New York into Iraq.
SPC John Calip. During a brief halt on the convoy
in to Iraq from Kuwait.
Sign at an Iraqi Airbase which served as a temporary
All the comforts of home. SGT Debra Stratton, SGT
Malcom Bean & SPC Sergio Gomez,
setting up an "Air Assault" latrine at "Palm Springs" Iraq.
101st CSG command post, somewhere in Iraq.
After math of a sand storm, even with the doors and
windows zipped shut.
One of many sand storms in Iraq.
SGT Richards and friend. Somewhere in Iraq.
SGT Robert Storey and Flat Stanley in Iraq. Stanley was a
school project for some kids.
MAJ. Bill Thewes
and Flat Stanley.
Can you hear me now? SGT Kelly Richards and SPC
Theodore Turning blowing of steam.
SPC Charles Easto being beaten up by SPC Sergio Gomez &
SPC Hector Flores.
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