The Adventures of the HHC, 101st CSG
Page 6
The border between Turkey and Iraq.
Major General Petreaus commander of the 101st Airborne
Division and SPC Sergio Gomez.
LTC Mullen taking a nap as they waited at the Turkish
border for 3 days for the Propane trucks to show up so they could escort them into
SPC Daylan Barnard and SPC Sergio Gomez at a police station on the Turkish
border in Northern Iraq
Restaurant at the Turkish Iraq boarder.
CPT Carlisle dining with a Kurdish CPT at the border.
CPT Carlisle and General Petraeus Commander of the
101st Airborne Division.
General Petraeus and the Turkish Ambassador.
A Mosque at the Turkish border.
The sooner I go to sleep, the sooner you'll leave.
SPC Daylan Barnard on the Turkish boarder.
Customs parking lot on the Turkish border.
Preparing to lead a convoy of propane trucks back into Iraq.
When I said follow me I meant get out of the truck and
follow me, but what ever....
Leading the convoy through the mountains in Northern
The end of the line for the convoy. Propane farm
in Mosul.
Once again with the proper training you can sleep
anywhere and in any position. Richards and Fly.
The HHC, 101st CSG at their new home in Mosul.
The Division Headquarters for the 101st in Mosul.
One of Saddam's palaces.
SPC Theodore Turner in back of the palace.
Always stop for a photo op. CPT. Heather Carlisle
inside Saddam's Palace in Mosul.
SPC Adam Turner, PFC Cynthia Schneider, and SPC Sergio Gomez.
Turner, Gomez, Bean, Schneider, and Cunningham,
enjoying Saddam's hospitality.
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