The Adventures of the HHC, 101st CSG
Page 7
Cooling down in the pool, and enjoying Saddam's
Entertaining the neighborhood kids.
SPC Gomez doing PT with some Kurdish troops.
Williams and Nettles in Mosul.
No, I don't think you get a Purple Heart for this. SGT Ordis McClam
and SPC Theodore Turner.
In the background you can see the initial smoke from a
building that was burning in the distance.
In this one you should be able to see a little more
smoke as well as a crowd that was gathering.
Little explosion. Nothing to worry about.
The fire and resulting explosions from the munitions
that were stored inside the burning building caused a little excitement.
Join the Army they said, see the world, travel to
exotic places. Where do I end up, sitting in the middle of the desert leaning against
what ever the hell this thing is.
An unexploded Chinese 107mm rocket that was blown out
from the fire.
The maintenance tent at Mosul.
Once again, with the proper training, you can sleep
Cruz-Olieveri changing a tire.
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